Aug 5, 2009

good bye!

ive been so stupidly loyal to you for a year,
ive given you the money you wanted,
i took care of you,
ive never set my eyes onto others, other than you.
but this is the way you repay all things that i did for you??
im pissed!
i'll get a new one, and good bye to you!


  1. sabar ajela Feeza...

  2. never spend money on 'friends'
    if they're your so called "friends" they'll never let you spend any money...
    do set eyes onto others to see whats going on around you.
    if your questioning things then its the worth your time...
    & yeah you go get a new one & don't look back because past is like a spit on the ground ...
    lol i know i'm so helpful...LOL

  3. huhu...well,it's my stupid broadband modem's not human anyway...

  4. feeza! u freaked me out! haha

  5. hehehe...sory,i never meant to freak u out...


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