Jul 23, 2009

me, myself, and unexpected holidays

I don't think today is the best day that I ever through in my life...
the problems that I thought is gone...but it's not...


wosshhhhh...suddenly i received a message,...urmmm it was many messages actually,
that we are in hols mode rite now...gosh...i can't even think of what to do to fill in my time,
well, despite the fact that I've sooooo bloody many works to do...ngeeee~
I am not happy....geez...
But still hoping I will not run out of smiles....
and going back to kampung will be the best plan i can make right now...

I'm writing this, and my mind lingering around those people who I care most but they
are not here anymore....
I should appreciate my life more...because I can only live once, feel all the feelings once, and die once...

I've been searching for the right and true person since ages, but I know God knows better than I am...I ask from Him a person, He gives me a family... I ask him a small little happiness, He gives me the biggest one that I can never imagine to ask for,...that is a CHANCE to live and have the whole happiness in life...

I'm not a good writer, nor a great person, but I am a human... and I know that we are the same...

I'm telling to myself, as you read this, you should be proud of who you are, once more, because you manage to live a happy live till today...
forget those sad and uneasiness, don't waste your time on it...
learn to live with it, and appreciate everything you have gone through...
because you may not know, the time that you will loose the chance to live a day once again...

1 comment:

  1. " you should be proud of who you are..."
    that's so right..


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